This study examines the financial risk management of donor funds using the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Zambia as a case study. The study employs an exploratory case study methodology on a sample of 224 MOH employees. Zambia, being a developing country, significantly relies on donor funds to support its healthcare sector. Prudent management of donor funds is crucial for the sustained delivery of quality healthcare services. However, there has been concerns regarding the financial risk management practices at the MOH in the efficient utilization and accountability of donor funds. From the literature review, it seems no study has been done regarding the financial risk management of donor funds focusing on the MOH in Zambia. Therefore, this study fills this gap. The study findings seem to show evidence of the misappropriation of donor funds exhibited by misallocation of donor funds to unplanned projects or activities. The misappropriations of donor funds seem to be amplified by a lack of strategic planning, lack of coordination, and the absence of effective monitoring and evaluation systems. Additionally, fraud and corruption posed significant risks to donor funds at MOH. Therefore, to mitigate the risks, the study recommends that robust anti-misappropriation measures, enforcement of due diligence on implementing partners, a thorough review of procurement processes, and regular monitoring and evaluation of donor-funded projects be strengthened at the MOH in Zambia. Whistleblower protection and reporting mechanisms should be promoted to help detect and deter fraudulent activities at this Ministry.
JEL: H51, I18, O23
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v8i2.1679
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