This research focuses on the career history of BS Legal Management graduates about the Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making by Krumboltz. The research aims to explore the factors interplaying in graduates' career history by conducting descriptive-correlational research and K-Mode Clustering analysis. Seventeen graduates surveyed in this study covered employment status, job characteristics, and career satisfaction. Results show that there are distinct clusters concerning career outcomes, underpinning both prevalent patterns and individual trajectories among graduates. These results suggest that whereas many respondents secure positions pertinent to their field of study, variability in career paths is notable, conditioned by contextual factors, educational experiences, and unanticipated circumstances. It shows the value of university education in many job positions, even those not directly related to legal management. High satisfaction levels are reported in many careers, which supports Krumboltz's contention that adaptability and learning are critical roles in career development. The findings offer a wealth of information relevant to curriculum development and career counseling in the instruction of legal management—this being an argument for a view that students need to be prepared for diverse career possibilities and embrace dynamism in career journeys within the modern job market.
JEL: J24, M12
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