The growth and decline or economic downturn of countries is closely linked to the workings of banking institutions. The banking system offers services without which the economic system of the country remains open. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of internal factors on profitability of accepted banks in Tehran Stock Exchange. To describe the research method, Mark, Philip, and Adrian (2009) used the onion model for the research process. This model has 8 layers, and the present study based on the lines of the paradigm were categorized of research on affirmation, the main type of applied research, the method of analytic-hypothesis research, quantitative research strategy, field research, the choice of research method in correlation and time series, the research objectives were descriptive and, finally, the methods and procedures for collecting data of reviewing library resources and financial ratios. The statistical population of this study was equivalent to the total accepted banks in Tehran Stock Exchange. All statistical analyzes were performed at the error level of 5% with the help of Excel 2016 and version 10 of Eviews software. The results of this study revealed that credit risk factors have a linear and significant correlation with profitability (return on equity and equity ratio), stock market indices and profitability (return on assets and equity ratio).
JEL: G21, G24, G20
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