Many organizations, ought to have strategic plans to achieve their set objectives and eventually achieve their success. In most cases, organizations do not consider the importance of strategic plans in organizations` performance. Therefore, this study is targeted to investigate the nexus between strategy implementation and industry performance in Kenya. The study also investigated the effect of organizational culture on strategic plan implementation and performance of Kenyan Industries and more specifically Meru Law Courts. Descriptive study was applied for the study and stratified sampling was also used to get sample size. The target population was 146 employees of the Kenyan judiciary and the sample size was 107 employees which were derived from the target population. Data collection technique for the study was questionnaires as they were simple and cheap to administer. Data for the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data to determine the degree of relationship between the variables under study. The hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression at 5% level of significance. The data for the study was then presented in form of frequency tables, charts and graphs. The study recommends that a further study should be undertaken and extended to other Counties to assess whether different findings may be reached regarding the issue under study.
JEL: L60, L10
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Copyright (c) 2018 Joseph Kaberia Isaac, Clement Nkaabu, Wilson Muema

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