Ömer Yilmaz, Kübra Karayilan


Looking at the recent developments in the field of science and technology it seems that it is a very rapid transformation. This transformation affects many aspects of the society such as economic, social, prosperity, communication, but this paper will focus especially on the economic effects of scientific and technological developments. Looking at the countries that are leading the world economy it is inevitable that the common aspects of these countries are in the field of information and technology. Many things in the world are changing very quickly now. This change has been observed in this report on the basis of some macroeconomic indicators that the countries that have been in a better position to succeed in the economic arena have not succeeded in this change or those that are late in making up. Especially the efforts of countries such as USA, China, Japan, which are a serious force in the world economy, have shown the most important differences in science and technology from other countries played an important role. In this study, it was tried to determine the level of the role of scientific and technological developments in developments in the world economy by using macroeconomic indicators in general. This study also analyzed the countries' R & D expenditures, Technology levels, Welfare levels, growth and development rates.


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employment, economic growth, foreign trade, economy knowledge


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