The study seeks to examine the relationship between working hours, job security and their relationship with commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. Two research objectives were raised for the study, which led to the formulation of two research hypotheses which were stated in null form; Working hours do not significantly relate to commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. There is no significant relationship between Job security and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. Literature was reviewed according to the variables of the study. The survey research design was utilised for the study. 232 samples were selected from five banks and their branches in Cross River State using the purposive and proportional sampling technique. The instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. Data gathered from the field were coded and analyzed using the appropriate frequency distribution, tables, charts and Pearson Product Moment Correlation at 0.05 confidence level. Out of the 232 instrument distributed only 213 were return without missing items or mutilation and these number were used for analysis. Results revealed that there is statistical considerable relationship between working hours and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria and there is no significant relationship between Job security and commercial bank workers wellbeing and performance in Cross River State, Nigeria. The study thereby recommends among others that Bank management should put in place adjustable and working hours for employees in order to make them more comfortable.
JEL: J81, J83, J28, M51
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