Incorporating gender issues in planning and budget processes may reduce gender inequalities. Reducing gender inequalities helps women to build their capacity and participate in all developmental issues that bring them in to decision-making. Regarding this, Ethiopia has demonstrated commitment to address gender inequalities by issuing different policies and strategies. However, the implementation of the policies, laws and regulations in engendering the budget process is inadequate, and gender disparity still persists in the political, social and economic spheres. The objectives of this study were to assess Gender Considered budgeting to address economic in equality in selected federal ministries in Ethiopia. To undertake this research close ended questionnaires and open-ended for interviews were used. Secondary data were also reviewed on various Government documents on gender as well as case studies on gender budgeting in some selected countries. Based on the nature of the research questions and the data collected, descriptive statistical techniques were employed. The result of the research showed that gender considered budgeting process has not been well understood, properly interpreted, and fully applied. Furthermore, the level of awareness and attitudinal changes by higher officials and employees was low. Gender issues are not considered in the budget process; allocation of resources was insufficient. The involvement of gender experts in policy design and budget preparation was minimal and achievements of policy objectives were unsatisfactory. Budget process lacks transparency and accountability, coordination, and committed for the implementation of the policies, no attention was given for further review the government budget from the perspective of gender issues and absence of gender budgeting sex disaggregated data was also shown in the ministries. Therefore, increased emphasis should be given to incorporate on budgeting process and training such as gender budgeting mainstreaming and women in leadership, reports based on gender disaggregated data and allocate sufficient resources. It was recommended that concerned bodies create conducive environment for transparent, participatory and accountable budget process for the implementation of a gender issues to narrow the gap in economic in equality.
JEL: H61; H61; H72
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