Cyril Ogugua Obi


This study investigated the relationship between the money market instruments and economic growth of Nigeria using time series analysis from 1981-2019. The relevant variables for which data were sourced include: Real gross domestic product, Financial deepening indicator [ratio of money supply (M2) to gross domestic product – (M2/GDP)(%)], value of treasury bills outstanding, value of Certificate of deposit outstanding, value of commercial paper outstanding, and value of banker acceptance outstanding. The data extracted from the CBN statistical bulletin, vol. 30, 2019. The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), Johansen cointegration test and Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) were adopted. The research findings found that, there is significant relationship between money market instruments and economic growth in Nigeria. Furthermore, there is insignificant relationship between money market instruments and the development of the Nigerian financial system. The study recommends amongst others, the need for Government to create appropriate macroeconomic policies, legal framework and consolidate and improve on reforms with a holistic view to developing and deepening the market so as to promote productive activities, investments, and ultimately economic growth.

JEL: E41; E50; E51

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money market, economic growth, banker acceptance, treasury bills, certificate of deposit

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