Siswanto Rawali, Muhammad Muthahhari Ramadhani


One of the water attractions that is very interesting and has the potential to be developed into a mainstay tourist destination in Banjar Regency and even in Kalimantan is the Riam Kanan Reservoir in Aranio District. The center of its attraction is the Riam Kanan dam building, the natural scenery around the reservoir and the social, economic and cultural activities of the people above and around the reservoir, which is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia. However, the potential of the water tourism object in Riam Kanan reservoir is not well known by both domestic and foreign tourists because the communication strategy program has not been maximized by the local government. An important factor in raising the image of ecotourism is the communication strategy policy in order to promote it to a wide audience. Communication strategy and Marketing Communication are the combination of communication planning and communication management to achieve a goal. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques that researchers use are field research and literature study. The results showed that the communication strategy carried out by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Banjar Regency in enhancing the ecotourism image of the Riam Kanan reservoir has followed the procedure as in communication theories, namely Establishing Communicators. Setting Targets, Compiling communication messages and, selecting media, channels communication and also target market. The media used include outdoor media, small format media, print media, electronic media, internet and social media as well as other public communication channels.

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communication strategy, Marketing communication, ecotourism, Riam Kanan reservoir

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