Christopher Etim Nyong


The investigation focused on effect of cost accumulation methods on the profitability of fish farming business. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cost accumulation methods on the profitability of fish farming business in Calabar Metropolis. The research design adopted for this study was the ex-post facto research design. The result revealed that the two methods for estimating production cost have considerable effect on the profitability of fish farming which significantly proved that cost estimation and record keeping in fish farming business is a critical factor that will assist fish farmers in the measurement of profit. This is evidenced as the regression result of both fixed and variable cost showed the existence of substantial relationship between cost accumulation and profitability of fish farming in Cross River State, Nigeria. From the findings, the study recommended that fish farmers should develop better cost-effective techniques that minimize feed and equipment related costs to enhance future returns.

JEL: Q10; Q22; D20

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accumulation, cost, farming, fish, profitability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v6i3.1062


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