The intent of this research is to scrutinise the impact of digital marketing strategies applied by marketers in the automotive industry in Malaysia in aiding consumers to make purchase decisions. In reality, marketers know that digital marketing strategies alone will not lead to consumers’ purchase decisions because not all consumers can be motivated by digitalisation. Another significant factor in influencing consumers’ purchase decisions is relationship marketing strategies. Therefore, the interceding impact of relationship marketing strategy between digital marketing strategy and consumers’ purchase decisions was analysed in this study to support the research hypothesis. A total of 605 marketers employed in the automotive industry furnished the data for this study. Moreover, in-depth literature was reviewed to expose the association between digital marketing strategies, relationship marketing strategies, and consumers’ purchase decisions. The findings of this research indicated a statistically significant relationship between digital marketing strategy and relationship marketing strategy as well as consumers’ purchase decisions. Conclusively, the hypothesis is supported by data and illustrated that relationship marketing strategy statistically mediates the relationship between digital marketing strategy and consumers’ purchase decisions in the automotive industry in Malaysia. Furthermore, this research also proves that marketers who utilise all avenues of digital marketing strategies will be able to communicate and build a robust relationship with consumers, which leads to positive consumers’ purchase decisions. In conclusion, digital marketing strategies with the interceding relationship marketing strategies can influence consumers to make a favourable purchase decision that benefits marketers, consumers, and the automotive industry in Malaysia.
JEL: M10; M30; M31; L62
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