This article aims to analyze the changes in organizations and the need to adapt in the field of communication. It is a given that the contemporary world is characterized by constant changes; mutations occur at all levels of society, involving communications, the productive structure, markets, technology, or science with enormous speed. These profound transformations cause permanent instability and require an effort to monitor change, a mandatory condition for survival. Institutions are also no exception, in terms of aspects such as management processes, work organization, structures, the relationship with the market (new needs, expectations, and demanding standards of their audiences), attitudes, degree of interest and responsibility of its elements, the enrichment of the content of the tasks or the values. In organizations, changes have been increasing, including changes in the quantity or quality of materials or messages. In this sense, several strategies can be put into practice: communicate in advance the changes that will occur, explaining the reasons for this and the objectives to be achieved by the organization, as well as the role that each human being can play in this process; make people participate in change, seeking their involvement; support individuals, for example through training for the performance of future roles - which allows the acquisition of new knowledge and new skills.
JEL: M10; M11; L10
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.1225
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