The set of human resources at the service of an organization must recognize itself in the image that it spreads, and experience the feeling of belonging to a collective. The regular and appealing use of the internal communication tools available makes it possible to keep all employees informed about the life of the institution, and about the changes underway: these supports are therefore a vital substance in the involvement process, so everyone should be used to facilitate and develop the circulation of information. Information within the company is one of the preliminary conditions for good motivation at work. This information has to circulate with the greatest freedom, in every way, following not only the formal structures of the company, but also the entire range of informal structures (Levenshus & Lemon, 2017; McKie & Willis, 2012). Successful organizations are those that have an informed and motivated workforce that “can respond to criticism, explain difficulties, publicize successes, praise merits. In short, they are those whose staff can act as a faithful, credible and positive ambassador.” (Westphalen, s.d.: 66).
JEL: D20; D02
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