This research aimed to figure out the factors of entrepreneurial intention among senior high school students in various public secondary schools in Tugbok District, Davao City. The non-experimental quantitative research design adopting exploratory factor analysis was used. Three hundred ninety-one respondents were chosen from various public secondary schools through the stratified, random technique. An online instrument using google forms was used to gather the data. Data reduction analysis reduced the multi-dimensionality set of data. Varimax rotation explored the data set with 25 iterations. Factor loadings below .500 were eliminated to realize a more vital separation of components, and eigenvalues greater than one were exposed. The data adequacy was determined by Keiser-Meyer-Olken and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity tested the facts if it is appropriate for factor analysis. Catteel-Scree Plot determined the factors retained, and Thematic analysis was used to generate the constructs. Results showed six dimensions of the entrepreneurial intention of senior high school students, including self-efficacy, perceived desirability, entrepreneurship education, need for achievement, the propensity to risk, and the propensity to act.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v7i3.1274
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