This study looked at traditional African conflict resolution methods, specifically in Yoruba-speaking communities in Nigeria's western region. The Old Oyo empire used traditional conflict resolution techniques such as mediation, adjudication, and reconciliation, as well as cross-examination, to offer a chance to interact with the parties involved, promote consensus building, reconstruct social bridges, and enforce order in the society, according to the paper that fully explains the resolution of disputes and justice dispensation. The study used an exploratory research approach, focusing on the history and Yoruba literature, academic journals on the internet, blogs, government publications and records, a variety of research reports, and individual research. The Western world regards these methods as superior for promoting peaceful coexistence. The traditional method of conflict management and resolution is thus recommended because it is less expensive and friendlier, and further national research into the causes of the 16-year-long inter-border war Ekiti-Parapo, popularly known as the Kiriji War, is also recommended for further finding.
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