Purpose: To develop strategies that enable bars and restaurants to improve their relationship marketing with their consumers using digital media as auxiliary tools. Method: This is an applied research, with a problem approach configured as quantitative, whose objectives present a descriptive character, having as technical procedures the survey, it was conceived non-probabilistic sampling by convenience. Originality/Relevance: Makes visible the possibility of measuring and understanding the desires and expectations of consumers in relation to the target companies, which in turn can provide a scientific bias to the fulfilment of certain market demands, as in the case of the formulation of relationship marketing strategies directed to the expectations and desires of the consumer public. Results: The sample researched has a greater appreciation for the bars and restaurants that are present in the digital media and that, mainly, relate to their customers through them; still, it was observed the importance of good reviews linked to the bars and restaurants in the consumers' perspective; and lastly, it was noted the predisposition of consumers about the use of the social networks Instagram and WhatsApp. Finally, from the strategies developed, it was realized the too much relevance of performing relationship marketing based on the tastes and preferences of the one whose attention you want to get.
JEL: M30; M13
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