Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Noraini binti Mohd Sufian, Nor Haslina binti Anuar, Nurul Athiera Binti Mohd Shamsudin


The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that affect the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. The adoption of digital banking among senior citizens is relatively low compared to the younger generation. Therefore, a survey was conducted to evaluate the factors that affect the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. 390 questionnaires were collected from senior citizens in Malaysia's Klang Valley. Based on the data collected, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate the responses. The findings suggested that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, habit, social influence, and hedonic motivation significantly influence the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. This study's findings will allow banks, financial institutions, and policymakers to broaden their understanding of what drives the adoption of digital banking services and the obstacles that stand in the way of adopting these services. The results from this study can aid financial institutions and the banking sector in improving or enhancing these factors so that elderly banking consumers can benefit and experience the total value offered by the banking sector. The banking sector should develop digital banking services appropriately to entice senior citizens to use digital banking services. The digital banking platform should be aesthetically designed to improve senior citizens' experiences. The marketing of digital banking could be strategized based on the factors studied in this research.


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digital banking services, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, habit, social influence, hedonic motivation, behavioural intention, senior citizens

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