The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in retail has redefined customer experience, offering new opportunities for personalisation, service quality enhancement, and continuous service delivery. For confidentiality, the name of the retailer is withheld. This study investigates the impact of AI on customers’ experience at XYZ Hypermarkets in Klang Valley, Malaysia, focusing on four key areas: personalisation, service quality, hassle-free service, and customer service. Using quantitative methods, data were gathered from 365 respondents to assess the influence of AI-driven services on customer experience. The findings reveal that hassle-free service significantly enhances customer experience, while personalisation, service quality, and customer service show no significant impact. These results suggest that while AI is effective in streamlining operations and reducing customer effort, it may fall short in providing the emotional engagement needed to enhance the overall customer experience. This study highlights the importance of balancing AI efficiency with human interaction, particularly in relational services. This research offers valuable insights for retailers, academics, and small business owners, emphasizing the need to adopt AI technologies that focus on customer convenience and experience while maintaining a personal touch. This study clearly highlights the implications for the retail industry, demonstrating that AI can significantly enhance customer experience, but its strategic integration is crucial to address both operational efficiency and emotional engagement.
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