Considering the markets open and international has always had benefits for demanders and suppliers. Moving from local to global as a result of the convergence of preferences cross-culturally is considered to result in multinational foundations and trading centers emergence. Date products employ a significant role in the business and farming of several countries worldwide and areas in south of Iran as one of the most important products in the non-oil export of Iran internationally. The objective of this study is to provide descriptive insight into the internationalization of date industries in general and Iran’s production, export quantity and value in particular. To this aim, quantitative data rendered from FAOSTAT (2017) regarding the top 10 countries at export quantity and value are compared based on the years 2002 and 2013 and Iran’s production quantity and value has been explained within a 12-year-scope from 2002 to 2013. It is concluded that the date industry in Iran has been in progress through investment and is highly potential to be a leading industry through internationalization.
JEL: K23, O11, O12, O14
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