Citizen participation is one of the national values in Kenya and is also a principle of public service. This study examined the key factors affecting public participation in budgeting process in the County Government of Nandi in Kenya. The study also sought to identify the key socio-cultural factors affecting public participation in the budgeting process in Nandi County. The study adopted a descriptive survey design targeting Community Based Organizations’ (CBOs) members who are residents of Nandi County, CBO officials and officials from the Treasury and Economic Planning department in the County Government of Nandi. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select members of Community Based Organizations who were administered with structured questionnaires. The study found out that public participation enhances the quality of the budgeting process. The study also found out that stakeholders’ involvement in budgeting process enhances accountability and transparency. Pearson correlation test found that there was a statistically significant positive relationship (R = 0.513) between stakeholder’s involvement and budgeting process since p < 0.05 (p = 0.014). It was also found that socio-cultural factors could also affect public participation in the budgeting process and using Pearson correlation test to determine the effect of socio-cultural factors on participatory budgeting process, the study found a weak positive relationship (R = 0.203) between Socio-cultural factors and budgeting process since p < 0.05 (p = 0.203).
JEL: H41, H61, H70
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