The study aimed to determine the level of awareness of succession planning and management practices of educational managers at Gulf College, Oman. Specifically, it sought to establish the significant relationship of the respondents’ personal profiles and their level of awareness in succession planning and management practices. This study employed the descriptive-evaluative method. The respondents were the educational leaders (deputy deans, head of faculty, program leaders, coordinators and centre managers, lecturers). Statistical procedures were used to analyse the quantitative data such as Frequency and Percentage Distributions and Weighted mean and Computed r. The results show that in terms of talent training and development and process evaluation as against the respondents’ profile, the result showed that only the respondents’ age has a significant relationship in terms of succession planning and management practices. The levels of awareness of the respondents as regards to succession planning and management practices in terms of communicate expectations and organization assessment and alignment must be strengthened, since they have a verbal interpretation of aware. Likewise, the level of awareness of the respondents as regards to succession planning and management practices in terms of talent training and development as well as process evaluation have marked less aware, this implies that although educational leaders have some knowledge in succession planning and management practices, their involvement is limited. Hence, implementation is not actualized. In order to keep abreast with the challenging academic set ups educational leaders, particularly the top and middle managers should provide an open avenue in succession planning and practices specifically in communicate expectations, organization and assessment, talent and training development programs, and process evaluation. An apprenticeship programs must be provided for incoming educational leaders or managers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.339
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