The fact of importance of measuring performance is recognized for organizations and it plays an important role in many organizations. Today, as we are in the information age, accounting profit is part of the information used by investors in risk assessment and returns on an accrual basis. The corporate performance evaluation is one of the most important issues for investors in terms of investment decision. The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between the voluntary accruals level and the performance indicators of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. For this purpose, some performance indicators such as cash flow, return on assets, return on equity, price-to-profit ratio, and return on investment were measured. The research sample consisted of 102 Iranian stock exchanges during the years 2010-2014. The results of the research show that there is a significant relationship between discretionary accruals and operating cash flow and equity returns, and the market pricing of accruals is not affected by the external financing levels.
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