The hotel industry, a key stakeholder of tourism industry, plays a crucial role in Sri Lankan economy. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationships between service quality, price fairness and customer satisfaction and to find the moderating effect of country of residence. The target population is international tourists who stayed Sri Lankan star class hotels. The convenience sample technique is applied and sample size is 400. The findings reveal that there is a positive significant relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, and price fairness and customer satisfaction. The study also confirms that country of residence moderates the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction but it slightly moderates the relationship between price fairness and customer satisfaction. The hotel managers should aware these findings and communicate them to the employees. They have to implement practices that improve customer satisfaction thereby achieving customer loyalty and profit. Since this study is limited to star class hotels in Sri Lanka. The further study can be conducted for whole hotel industry to comprehend a better picture.
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