Fereydoon Omidi, Adibeh Jorfi, Fakhri Jorfi


Entrepreneurship, as a new phenomenon in economics, in a broad and multifaceted interaction with market orientation, plays a decisive role in improvement and the performance of organizations. Nowadays, achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in organizations is crucial to obtain appropriate financial results for which innovation is one of the most significant ways. One of the most important features of innovation which might lead to competitive advantage is the asynchronous use of it by other competitors and the difficulty in imitating and duplicating it, which itself requires culture implementation and entrepreneurial strategies. The relationship between entrepreneurship and market orientation has been investigated in the last two decades theoretically and practically. To this end, the aim of this research is the study of the relationship between entrepreneurial services and competitive benefits with the mediator role of interactive and supportive innovation. The statistical population of this study is 150 people selected among the staff of Ahwaz University of medical sciences. Employing descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS, the data were analyzed. In order to understand the current status of respondents in terms of the amount of each variable under study, the relationship between variables is investigated using single sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. They are also analyzed through structural equations and path coefficient analysis. Results represent a close relationship between interactive and supportive innovation with competitive advantage in the selected companies.


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entrepreneurial services; interactive innovation; supportive innovation, path analysis

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