The principal task of a professional club manager is to form a competitive team/athlete, which participate in official competitions and achieves the sporting successes expected by its federations, official members and fans. This fundamental task constitutes different systems to be run by a club manager starting from designing strategy (planning the vision, mission, and objectives of the sports club) to implement the mentioned elements. To implement the strategy managers need to have a clear club structure which is appropriate for better implementation of the strategy and get better performance. So that, the performance of the sports clubs in every corner of the world depends on the appropriateness of the sports club strategy and organizational structure (but these are not the only reasons for improved athlete’s performance). Organizational structure and strategies are some of the very important tasks which must be considered to formulate and manage the sports clubs. Organizational structure and strategy are not only important for sports clubs; they are also closely related to each other. The investigation of different researchers shows that structure has followed the strategy of the club. The purpose of this review article is to systematically review the literature and articles, which explore the particular issue of the relationship between strategy, organizational structure, and performance of sports clubs. The result and source reviewed for this article show, organizational structure and strategy have a connection in sports clubs. The relationship they have been discovered from different sources. This review article used secondary methods of data sources. The writers try to review different empirical and related kinds of literature on sports clubs strategies and organizational structure and their relationship. Finally, this systematic review is significant to show about strategy and organizational structure to the readers by summarizing what different scholars results look like.
JEL: L83, Z20, L10
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