Information technology strategy with business strategy is considered as the most important issue for IT and business managers. The overall purpose of this research is to investigate the strategic role of information technology in industrial units of Kurdistan province. The research method of this paper is descriptive-applied and for data collection, two methods of library studies and field studies have been used. In this research, the standard questionnaire of pop determining the role was used and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha test. The statistical population of the study consisted of 400 managers, experts and supervisors of industrial units of Kurdistan province. Using classical sampling method with appropriate allocation, the number of samples was determined by 196 people by the Cochran formula. The results show that with the probability of 95% confidence, the infrastructure of the organization, IT infrastructure and organization strategies are well defined. However, the results show that the information technology strategy in the above mentioned statistical population is not properly defined. Organizational strategies fit with the infrastructure of the organization and this moderate proportion is down. Also, IT infrastructure is compatible with IT strategies, but this proportion is at a very low level. Finally, the organization's strategies are integrated with IT strategies.
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