This study aims to determine the influence of financial literacy, the image of destination, the social media against the interest of visiting local tourists through the mediation of the emotional experience of visitors. The population in this study is all domestic visitors of Telaga Sarangan Natural Attraction with purposive sampling technique as many as 120 respondents. The tool of analysis used is path analysis to test each of the relationships between the research variables. The results showed that the visitor’s financial literation, the image of destination, and the social media significantly influence the emotional experience of visitors. In addition, the visitor’s financial literation, the image of destination and the social media also directly affects the increase of interest to revisit the destination in the future. On the other hand, the emotional experience has a significant effect on the interest to revisit the destination in the future, so the relationship between the emotional experiences in a positive manner can increase the visitor’s interest to revisit Telaga Sarangan Natural Attraction.
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