The study examines the factors affecting the adoption of ERP for logistics operations in apparel manufacturers in Biyagama, Sri Lanka. The investments in ERP solutions have become strategic decision which can have a wide range of advantages to business enterprises. The decision of adaptation or investment in ERP is influenced by many factors. These factors influence on the management behavior of ERP and technology investment. Then, the research problem is what are factors affecting the adoption of ERP in apparel manufacturers in Biyagama? The research objectives of the study are to identity the factors affecting the adoption of ERP by literature reviews and develop a conceptual framework to represent the adoption of ERP in Biyagama, Sri Lanka. The study caters a significant in term of practical, personal and academic significance to the industry; the study methodology of the study is the formal survey where 101 executive officers/managers were interviewed through the questionnaire survey. The comprehensive literature survey was conducted to identify the indicators for the study and 40 indicators were identified for developing the model. The exploratory factor analysis was performed to categorize the indicators. The study has defined the scope through sample size, study approach, time horizon. The study items are grouped under 6 variables including the level of organizational readiness for ERP, level of organizational fit for ERP, level of investment and business type, level of risk and failure, organizational intention and change management, etc.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.562
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