The advancement of Green Concept studies has triggered some significant disarray about the manner of the build and rendered it difficult for everything except the most passionate peruses to remain conscious of advances in this area. Even though many green initiatives introduced in the world, consumers’ acceptance of green concept and green products still uncertain. The lack of research to examine green concept makes things worse. Therefore studying and the understanding of green concept and attitudes towards the consumption elements of green products are important research gaps to introduce useful country-specific green marketing strategies. Future research would therefore, be solely important and help government policy developers and marketers to develop strategies which are country specific. This article reviews the notion of green in relation to associated concepts and empirical consequences discovered in the existing sphere of knowledge. Researchers accompanied literature review as the primary methodology for reviewing current empirical knowledge to construct conceptual content to assist the suggested directions for the study. The findings of the study provide insights into how empirical results are reflected in literature reviews that connect the Green concept with associated ideas and consequences. Based on the discussion, conclude future study directions in line with the gaps in empirical knowledge discovered within.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Liyana-arachchige Chandima Sajeewanie, Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Jacqulien Tham

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