Entrepreneurship has always been men’s realm, nevertheless women’s enthusiasm in business shows some intensification in Malaysia, but their success is still trivial. This stimulates doubts about the factors that induce their success as entrepreneurs. The objective of this research is to offer an understanding into the success factors of women entrepreneurs in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Thus, this study focuses on the implication of five variables, which are financial capital, human capital, social capital, innovation and work-life balance that induces success to the women entrepreneurs. To attain the objective of this study, a survey technique is used. The primary data would provide an understanding of the factors that induces success to the women entrepreneur. This study used quantitative methods to produce empirical outcomes and validations to answer the research questions. The Resource-Based View Theory and Conflict Theory are the theoretical foundations that fill the gaps of the study. The findings of this study could perhaps be a benchmark to other women to rise against all tribulations faced in their pursuit to triumph and remain at the highest socio-economic level as well as attain a competitive edge in business.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.634
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