The purpose of this paper is to establish and assess the determinants of users’ willingness to use mobile payment: an empirical study in Tongren University, China. After conducting a rigorous literature review with theoretical underpinning, this research has come up with the proper methodology to move forward. According to the comprehensive guideline, the total number of Tongren College and Tongren Vocational College is more than 38,000, so the minimum sample is finally determined to be 380. Besides, after conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the measuring modelling was done by taking into account all the variables concurrently in order to verify the appropriateness of the overall model. All the hypotheses of this study have been tested through the application of SEM. For the overall model as a whole, the statistical result indicates a good fit. From the model, it can be seen that all the variables uphold a positive value. Findings revealed that perceived performance risk perceived financial risk and perceived privacy risk have substantial positive impacts on acceptance intention of mobile payment. Therefore, since a myriad of factors decides the attitude toward mobile payment use, further studies can also be developed by adding more constructs in the theoretical model in this paper.
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