This study was carried out to examine the effect of service quality on the satisfaction of athletes. quantitative research patterns the simple random method was used in the study, the sample size consisted of 769 athletes trained in the Provincial Directorates of Youth and Sports and Municipalities in Antalya, Isparta, and Burdur. The Q-Sport-14 scale and customer satisfaction scale were used as data collection tools. Exploratory factor analysis was performed for validity to the scales and the internal consistency coefficient was calculated for reliability. The data were analyzed to measure impact by hierarchical regression, ANCOVA, and structural equation modeling. Athletes got (X ̅ =61.64) points from the service quality scale. They got (X ̅ =13.19) points from the satisfaction scale. As a result of the analyzes based on averages, it was observed that the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction is significant and the satisfaction level of athletes and their perceptions of service quality was high.
JEL: L80; L83
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