The main objective of this study was to determine the contribution of project management practices on project success. The specific objectives are: to analyse the status of the Girinka project in Runda sector, Kamonyi district, to investigate the influence of project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation on the success of the Girinka project in Runda sector, Kamonyi district, to assess the level of satisfaction of the contribution of Gririnka project on improvement of socio-economic wellbeing of beneficiaries in Runda sector, Kamonyi district and to find out the challenges facing the Girinka project in Runda sector, Kamonyi district. (Girinka in local language = Have a cow in English). The study is expected to be helpful to the researcher in acquiring new knowledge, Girinka project government coordinating agency in adjusting policies and implementation framework, the project donors and sponsors and the community at large. A case study and explanatory design were both used. The target population was 513 participants from Girinka project beneficiaries, Girinka project partners and local leaders. The sample size was 225 respondents selected using Slovin’s formula. When collecting the data, the researchers used questionnaire, documentary and interview schedules. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics with the help of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for quantitative data and using narrative analysis for qualitative data. The data were presented, analysed and interpreted in line with research objectives. It was found that project planning, project implementation, project monitoring and evaluation practices all contributed to Girinka project success at very large and large extent as per 4.829; 4.672; and 3.957 mean ( respectively. It was recommended to the project planners to take into consideration the means of project beneficiaries for them to safeguard the cows given to them. The project partners are recommended to follow up with the selection process of the beneficiaries and Girinka project beneficiaries are advised to raise the cow for the life change and not sell them for short term problem-solving.
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