Chris Sam Biriowu, John E. Chikwe


The strategic objective of this study is to empirically have an objective grasp of production planning and control complementarity architecture of five selected manufacturing firms and relevant areas of cost control. The paper empirically explores some facets of production planning and processing analysis in different machines and periods; production divisions and types, scheduling and sequencing of production planning. Capacity planning levels including potential capacity, immediate capacity and effective capacity were strategically discussed. Aspects of production control architecture such as dispatching and functions of the dispatcher were also evaluated. Other related areas of production control examined include: expediting (follow-up) and progressing, and the activities in these production and control elements were objectively handled. The study arrived at the fact that, production planning and control functions complement each other in their functionality. Effective scheduling and sequencing are revealed to be a panacea that help the handling of time, space constraints and associated cost elements in production operations management. It is therefore recommended that, production and control operations functions should complement, and be jealously guided in manufacturing operations.

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production planning; control complementarily architecture; strategic management; manufacturing firms; Port Harcourt

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