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Šola, Hedda Martina, Doc. Dr., Senior Lecturer Business Management and Research Coordinator, Oxford Business College, 65 George Street, Oxford, UK Director General, Institute for Neuromarketing, Turinina 9, Zagreb, Croatia,
Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Prof. Dr., Post Graduate Centre, Management and Science University, University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Section 13, 40100, Selangor, Malaysia
Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Graduate School of Management, Management & Science University, University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Olahraga, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Ab Yajid, Mohd Shukri, Graduate School of Management, Management & Science University University Drive, Off Persiaran Olahraga, Olahraga, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Ab Yazid, Mohd Shukri, Graduate School of Management, Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies, Management and Science University (MSU), Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Abadar, Iman, PhD Student, Department of International Business Management, Khoramshahr-Persian Gulf Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoramshahr, Iran
Abdollahi, Bijan, Associate Professor, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran
Abdulraheem, Issa, PhD, Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, College of Humanities Management and Social Sciences, Kwara State University, Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria
Abellanosa, Gaudencio G., Professor VI, University of Southeastern Philippines, Philippines & Part-time Professor, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
Abocejo, Ferdinand T., Associate Professor V, Eastern Visayas State University, Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines
Achuthan, Sutha, Faculty of Business and Technology, UNITAR International University, Tierra Crest, Jalan SS6/3, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Adeleke, Bamidele S., Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria
Adeleke, Bamidele S., Department of Marketing, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Adim, Chidiebere Victor, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Agyei, Samuel Dwamena, Faculty of Education, West End University College Amanfro, Ghana
Agyei, Samuel Dwamena, Faculty of Education, West End University College Amanfro, P.O. Box AN 15796, Accra North, Ghana
Ahakiri, F. I., Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Ahakiri, Francis Idiege, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Ahakiri, Francis Idiege, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Ahmad, Manal, MBA Graduate, College of Business and Law, Dar Al~Hekma University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ahmad, Mohd Faizul Bin, Faculty of Business and Technology, UNITAR International University, Tierra Crest, Jalan SS6/3, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Ahmad, Nur Aina Binti, Faculty of Business, UNITAR International University, Tierra Crest, Jalan SS6/3, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Ahmadabad, Ehsan Karimi, PhD Student of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Science Research Branch, Qeshm International Campus, Iran
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