Semantic network is so far an effective way for knowledge representation, especially if the matter deals with complexity of terminologies and concepts, which are not standalone, but connected by various relations. One among these fields of knowledge is philosophy, and one fact that the study students of university always face with difficulties when address the system of terminologies and concepts of philosophy. In practice, various tools are using by teachers for helping students understand philosophy terminologies and concepts, i.e. using mindmap tools. In this paper, we suggest a use of semantic network as a tool for representation of key terminologies in philosophy of Marxism that have been teaching in Vietnamese universities. For this purpose, the authors of the paper carefully investigate all materials of appropriate learning; make a selection and classification for setting up of terminologies; build a semantic network of these terminologies for a conceptional model. An effort is providing to design one software system with semantic updating, selecting and representing. These results are under the project “Studying and building semantic network of concepts in philosophy discipline for teaching and researching activities” ID: QG.18.46, in a University of Social Sciences and Humanities of Hanoi National University.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Thi Nhu

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