Betty Kemboi, Rebecca Sangura


The paper examines triumphs, challenges, and paradigmatic shifts in terms of whether the African Union agenda 2063 has translated to any tangible change in Kenya’s quest for gender equality and development. The institutionalization of gender issues at different levels globally demonstrates the primacy of gender parity in development paradigms. AU’s agenda 2063 aspiration 6 explicitly talks of gender equality and development and provides Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) strategy which looks toward women’s inclusion in Africa’s development. The Union outlines strategic pillars for implementation by member states. This paper provides a critical analysis of the integration of these pillars in Kenya’s development agenda. The study relied mainly on secondary data from journal articles, relevant documents from Kenya’s Gender Commission and Ministry, relevant legal instruments, and websites. It shows that no country has fully achieved gender equality but can only be categorized as either friendly or unfriendly towards it; Kenya has attained quite substantial strides in the integration of the GEWE strategy pillars; systemic and structural factors are the biggest challenges to the full realization of aspiration 6 in Kenya; quantity doesn’t necessarily translate to quality with reference to the presence of women in key institutions and positions of influence. Conclusively, the paper indicates the importance of feminization of development in Kenya; emphasizes the agency of both genders in the implementation of aspiration 6, and notes that society has failed gender equality. It recommends the collaboration of all development actors as key in the implementation and realization of aspiration 6.


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African Union, development, gender equality and women empowerment, Agenda 2063, Aspiration 6

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