Betty Kemboi, J.


Global reports show significant attempts that the UN and member states have attempted at combating illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW) and its related facets since 2001. There are several international instruments with coverage from global, continental, regional and national on this aspect. The focus of this study is on the national regulations which states that are signatory to the relevant regional conventions relating to SALW are progressing in terms of implementation through national regulations. The effectiveness of various regulation frameworks however, varies from state to state. This research lays emphasis on local implementation of the 2004 Nairobi protocol on prevention, control and reduction of SALW in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa, using Kenya as a case study. Through illustrations, it demonstrates the status of the implementation of the prevention, control and reduction efforts applied by Kenya as part of its individual effort to fight SALW in the region and surrounding countries. By doing these, the research looks at discourse analysis through practical facts that have historically been demonstrated by Kenya’s mainstream media investigative reports, globally sponsored national surveys by both non-state and state actors and of course the Kenya National Focal point on SALW. It hopes to inform policy of the effectiveness of the regulatory mechanisms applied locally toward achieving the key objective of the Nairobi Protocol.


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small arms, light weapons, firearms, Nairobi protocol, regulation

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