The saying "leaders are born, not made" is frequently used to describe leaders especially those whose contributions stick in people's memories! So, who exactly is a leader? In essence, the ability to bring about the change one wants to see in their organization makes one a leader. Nowadays, a CEO of a business isn't always a leader. Conversely, someone possesses a set of competencies that further an organization's goals and objectives. An inadequate skill of a leader regarding management and guidance within a team or the business environment is referred to as poor leadership. There are several ways in which this can show up, including stating unclear objectives, inadequate communication among team members, a lack of accountability and transparency, and a lack of team member support to actualize results. An ineffective leadership may affect a team's ability to accomplish goals and objectives since it breeds mistrust and disdain for the leader. A widely acknowledged concept of leadership remains elusive despite extensive research. It is stated by Talat et al. (2015) that "there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are people who have attempted to define the concept." Examples of these definitions include the ones that follow; leadership is a broad process that requires authority, accountability, and power delegation, according to Talat et al. (2015). Employees are followers of leaders in an organization, who need their assistance to enable them to achieve their own and the company's goals and objectives. This creates a win-win situation if managed properly. Hence, leadership styles encompass all facets of interacting inside and outside a company, managing or resolving problems, assisting and directing employees to do their jobs, and setting an example for others to follow and infuse.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v7i1.1657
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