Nguyen Ho Thanh, Truong Thanh Hai


Political bravery is an important quality that every student must have, helping students realize their dreams and career ambitions and fulfill their responsibilities to the Fatherland. Vietnamese students, in general, and An Giang University students, in particular, are an elite part of society. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, this force has been making significant contributions to the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland. However, a group of students still need to promote their roles and responsibilities fully and even show signs of moral degradation, separation from the nation's moral traditions, misconceptions about the situation and the country's politics, and lack of faith in the Party's leadership. To overcome those limitations, improving the political bravery of An Giang University students is an essential and urgent requirement. In this article, the author analyzes the current situation and offers several solutions to improve political bravery for An Giang University students in the current international integration conditions.


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political bravery, student, An Giang University, Vietnam

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