Abduladem Lazrg


This paper seeks to shed light on the causes of administrative and financial corruption in Libya and to study the political, economic and social dimensions behind it. This paper starts with its approach to these factors that cause the spread of the phenomenon of corruption and its penetration into most state institutions and the exacerbation of its outcomes that have affected all aspects of life and led to huge material losses and the deterioration of services in general. Based on the pioneering role of scientific research in providing studies, recommendations and advice, this study presents the best ways to combat administrative and financial corruption in Libya and how to reduce it and then eliminate it. The study concludes that administrative and financial corruption is the main factor in the aggravation of political, economic, and social conditions and in feeding manifestations of instability, poverty, backwardness, injustice, and feelings of discontent towards the authorities. The study also concluded that corruption could be reduced by developing control tools, such as strengthening control laws, tightening penalties, cooperation between government authorities, advanced solutions, accountability and transparency, encouraging the reporting of corruption, and supporting research institutions to study this phenomenon, in addition to the role of religious institutions in condemning and prohibiting corruption.


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Libya, administrative corruption, financial corruption, anti-corruption

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