Volunteering is an act of contributing once efforts and resources freely without any form of tangible compensation. It is a schematic groundwork that scopes diverse prefects into motives, personalities, and social determinants. Numerous studies have been conducted exploring the mediating factors of volunteerism yet, the inclusion of leadership styles in volunteer retention has remained understudied throughout the context. The purpose of this study is to determine the significant influence of volunteer motivation towards leadership styles among 379 college learners in Davao City. This study also accords the 17th Sustainable Development Goal which strives to cultivate multi-stakeholder partnership through capacity development. This study contributes to strengthening both societies and states to implement policies and programs minimizing sociocultural related affairs. Furthermore, the researchers employed quantitative-correlational research design to determine the degree of the relationship between variables in the study. Multivariate regression analysis was also utilized to predict volunteer motivation on leadership styles. Consequently, it has exhibited that there is a significant relationship between volunteer motivation and leadership styles. Positive correlation was found between the volunteer motivation and leadership styles. Hence, only the Protective and Values factor garnered a p-value lesser than the significance level. The current study contributes markedly not only on future research endeavors but also on guiding higher learning institutions in tailoring programs that may strengthen volunteerism and leadership qualities among college learners. Nevertheless, this will enable community organizations and local agencies to reassess their program objectives on the extent of volunteer opportunities available to students. Shaping students’ motivation to be proactive in volunteering will intensify their key leadership behaviors.
SDG # 17: Partnership for the Goals
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Copyright (c) 2025 Jikeh Sienna C. Napil, Christopher A. Rome, Kian R. Tenorio, Shairajon R. Villaluz, Shairajon R. Villaluz

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