The study examined women participation in the management of community water in the Offinso North District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The study was motivated by the fact that not enough literature is available on the subject in Ghana and the Offinso North District in particular. The concurrent mixed method design was used for the study. The study population consisted of household heads, staff of CWSA, Assembly members, and members of the DWST, and Watson committees. A multistage sampling with structured questionnaires and interview were used for the study. The study revealed that women were motivated to participate in water governance because they want to benefit optimally from water facilities; the need to give back to the community; the prestige women enjoy and the need to satisfy a regulatory requirement. However, women felt intimidated by their male counterparts and also felt the management of water delivery was hijacked by men. Also, low level of education, gossip or intimidation by men and inadequate time were revealed as challenges women actively involved in water management in the OND face. The study recommends among others the organisation of ceremonies to award women for their courage and dedication, training workshops for women to build their courage, morale and self-esteem as ways of overcoming the challenges they face in order to ensure inclusive development and participation in the communities.
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