This paper focused on the importance of revisiting the traditional method of settling peace in our society. It also examined the activities of the European method of settling peace as was introduced to African Leaders during the era of colonization of African Nations. The paper also expressed the challenges posted to the local and international community as the evolution of institutions and strategies for attaining world peace and security. This paper seen peace as one of the humanity highest values and there are many definitions of what peace is; its meaning is multilateral and multi-disciplinary depending on which notion is central in the determination of peace as a concept. The paper looked at peace concept politically, within a state, and the conditions for which peace are created and maintained when the leaders and the citizens carry out their constitutional, political, social and economic roles by providing the needed security for all. The Article suggested that, the African methods of settling peace within the framework of African Continent should be maintained, while the Euro-centric idea of inviting people for peace settlement through police and court orders should be rejected.
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