In the year 2018 the achievement of evaluation results showed that the city of Banjarbaru obtained a value of 63.28 or B. The assessment showed the level of effectiveness and efficiency of budget use compared to the achievement of Its performance has been adequate, as well as the quality of cultural development of bureaucracy performance and governance-oriented government results in the municipality of Banjarbaru has already shown good results, but this achievement has not been With the target that was set by the city government of Banjarbaru is the predicate A for the purpose of the implementation of Good Governance in Banjarbaru city government can be achieved. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze: application of government agency performance Accountability System (SAKIP) to the implementation of Good Governance in Banjarbaru city government and application of Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) to the implementation of Good Governance in Banjarbaru city government which should. The study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. From the results of the study showed the implementing Technical Activities (PPTK) in the regional work unit (SKPD) each in the city of Banjarbaru has not entirely had ideas and Innovation for Development in Banjarbaru City in accordance with the vision and mission of the mayor of Banjarbaru. Unripe performance planning, unintensive performance evaluation and performance accountability not yet well coordinated.
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