Legal aspects of the Agency for Employment and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) are contained in Barito Utara Barito Utara District Regulation No. 2 the year 2016, on the Establishment and Composition of the Region North Barito regency and North Barito Regency Regulation No. 38 the year 2016 concerning Organizational Structure and Work of North Barito regency. In the regulation is stated that the position, the duty and the function of Human Resources Agency and Human Resources Development (BKPSDM) North Barito regency is an local government supporting element in the implementation of personnel management area, where BKPSDM North Barito regency demanded a good performance to serve PNS North Barito. The results were achieved by using quantitative analysis on the performance of BKPSDM North Barito district, based on the analysis and discussion of the data about the respondents' assessment of the effect of leadership style, motivation and work discipline on employee performance to the personnel board and human resources development of North Barito regency. partially style leadership, motivation, work discipline have a significant influence on employee performance on Employment Agency and Human Resources Development North Barito district and based on test results F variable, style of leadership, motivation and work discipline, has significant influence together (simultaneously) on the performance of government employees. The most dominant variable is the variable work discipline where the beta coefficient is highest among other variables.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v0i0.659
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