The community's need for land is progressively increasing as the land is becoming narrow. At the very same time, demand is always growing, so it is not surprising that the selling price of land is getting more expensive. The imbalance between the availability of land and the community's need for land has caused various legal problems. Facts show how strategic the role of land for human life. The statistics also testify how the large number of people still depend their daily livelihoods on land, both for farming, gardening, and other businesses by utilizing their private land. Secondly, there are quite a number of people depend the fate of their future and even the lives of their children and grandchildren by making land an investment asset. The reason is simple: the price of land will continue to increase due to the high demand for land availability, while the available land area will never increase. Land registration is an effort of the Government's role to provide legal certainty related to land ownership, which in turn can provide legal protection. This is contained in Article 19 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning UUPA Regulations, namely, to guarantee legal certainty by the Government, land registration is held in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia according to the provisions stipulated by the Government. The intended government regulation is Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration as well as Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 2 of 2018 concerning Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL).
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