The purpose of the current study was to generate an organizational commitment model for employees of Mapna MD2 Co. base on psychological capital and work ethic. All Mapna MD2 Co. headquarter office employees (300 people) in Tehran had formed the intended statistical society. According to Grassi and Morgan table, the sample of research was considered as 169 people who have been selected accidentally and were divided to 35 women and 134 men due to the number of staff in the office. The Luthans and colleagues' psychological capital questionnaire (2007), Allen and Meyer's organizational commitment questionnaire (1993) and Gregory and Patti's standard work ethic questionnaire (1990) have been use for data collection. The results show that there is a significant relationship between psychological capital and its dimensions with work ethic, organization commitment and their dimensions as well, work ethic and its dimensions with organizational commitment. Furthermore, The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) show that the psychological capital either directly or through work ethic variable mediator have affected organizational commitments of Mapna MD2 Co employees. With respect to the research results, the Mapna MD2 Co. management has been suggested to boost the psychological capital, work ethic and their dimensions in order to increase the employees' organizational commitment.
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