Sifa Bura Huguette


Education is the true alchemy that can bring a nation its next golden age. It is a dynamic process that begins one child birth. The UNESCO General Conference (1964) recognized that "illiteracy is a serious obstacle to social and economic development”. Provide quality basic education is fundamental for all types of country transformation in several aspects of its economic activities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of government financial measures on improving the quality of basic education in DR Congo (2010-2020), i.e. to assess the strength of the links between the various state financial policies and to determine how improving the basic education sector can strengthen the macroeconomic framework and guide development choices. Furthermore, the study also attempted to find the correlation between all the resulting components of the respondents' responses and to analyze the inter-correlation between them, in order to determine the effectiveness and significance of the existing relationships between them. Indeed, the economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation with a vast wealth of natural resources, continues to struggle. The process of structural transformation remains particularly difficult for the country. Mixed methods were used to identify quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection and the office review method was also used to collect data. The data was collected and imported into SPSS for data analysis. Descriptive and deductive statistics (Rho Spearman correlation and binomial regression or binary logistic regression) were compiled to provide answers to research questions/hypotheses established for this study. As a result, the various financial measures taken by the DRC government have made little progress in the national economy. This is the case of the lack of political will in the recovery and sectorial transformation, such as the education sector, of national activities. Statistical results consist of N= 300 subjects or respondents, six independent variables Qr1a, Qr1b, Q2, Q3, Qr3 and Q4 and the variable dependent Q5 (the Congolese government's desire to ensure quality basic education). It is found that the six independent variables have the potential to influence the Government's desire to ensure quality education in the DRC and, in turn, strengthen the macroeconomic framework in DR Congo. The findings also showed that all sectors are positive and significantly correlated with each other (p < 0.001).

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v6i4.1084

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