Luís Cardoso, Matilde Castanho


This paper intends to describe, analyze, and reflect on the presence of K-Pop in the cybernetic environment, as a cultural and artistic manifestation of the XXI century, as well as to study and evaluate the participation of the band BTS (and its fan community) in the social network Twitter, looking for an understanding of its identity and contribution to the cyberculture universe. The importance of “Korean Pop” for the global music industry is, in present times, an undeniable fact, because of the success of several artists and groups of Korean heritage and/or managed by labels from South Korea that have been occupying the top places in charts previously dominated by Anglo-Saxon performers. The band Bangtan Sonyeondan, known worldwide as BTS, formed by Big Hit Entertainment in 2010, is pointed by the critics and specialists as one of the most successful and mediatic groups of the last years. The comparisons between the Beatlemania from the 60s and the behaviour of its fan base (self-proclaimed Army) are quite common. In this context, we intend to study this cultural phenomenon as a new form of culture and interaction between artists and admirers, using social media and new socialization techniques created and adapted to cyberspace.

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cyberculture, cyberspace, Twitter, K-Pop, BTS

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v6i6.1127

Copyright (c) 2021 Luís Cardoso, Matilde Castanho

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